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Skull Haven I play Halo 1 though

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Q: Cool halo names that nobody has?
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Related questions

Who invented LEGO Halo?

Nobody, LEGO Halo doesn't exist.

Can Halo 2 run on Windows 7?

No because nobody likes Halo

When was Nobody's Cool created?

Nobody's Cool was created in 1996.

Is Halo 2 awsome?

Its cool but Halo reach is better and when Halo 4 comes i cant imagine how it will be:)

Is there halo warhammer?

No there is not but it would be cool

Are they going to come out with halo for Kinect for 360?

maybe, nobody knows. But a halo movie should be out in 2011.

Halo 3 is cool?

Halo 3 kicks ass, especially on Live!

Can you use halo-custom edition with a regular halo-combat evolved CD rom disc?

Yes!, Halo is cool

Is Halo Combat Evolved Cool?


Hpw to get recon in Halo 3?

there are a number of ways to get the halo 3 recon armour variant make a cool halo 3 movie make a creally cool or funny screenshot make a cool map and upload it to your fileshare or complete the vidmaster achievements

Is there going to be halo 7?

Nothing Got Announced So As Of Now Nobody Really Knows P.S. This Is Not Counting Halo Wars,Halo 3 ODST And Halo Wars As The Original Series.

What are sniper names on halo?
