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its not a guy

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Q: Do you think Halo is a pretty cool guy?
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What do think of halo wars?

I think that Halo Wars was an excellent game. This is because of my background with Halo and Strategy games. Many people don't like Halo Wars for a few reasons. Simplistic controls is a major falling point. Few buildings/strategy is another falling point. Part of that is the 'invincible strategys'. Grizzlie tanks with Forge will mow down everything. Counter with Hunters? Flamethrowers. Counter with Jackals? More Grizzlies. I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything.

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If you think that smoking is cool and you have doubts about it, think again! If a guy or a girl has to hold on to a cigarette to be cool, how cool can they get? If you think that smoking is cool and you have doubts about it, think again! If a guy or a girl has to hold on to a cigarette to be cool, how cool can they get?

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I think dead space are pretty cool guy. eh kills teh necromorphs and doesn't afraid of anything.

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I personally think that would be pretty cool -From a 16 yr old boy

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I thought he was dating another guy. I think that would be pretty cool if he was. Shake things up a bit.

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i think it was from someone called mr dude guy guy!

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Thom Yorke is a pretty cool and interesting guy.

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because he was a pretty cool guy

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He's a pretty cool guy you should get to know him.

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holmes county boy. he's a pretty cool guy with a pretty big.... :) hehehe