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If you don't start the level from the beginning the skull won't appear. If you did start from the beginning i don't know.

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Q: Why won't the skull come up when I try to get it when I am on normal difficulty on halo 3?
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What difficulty has to be set to make a skull appear in halo 3?

You have to play on at least normal.

Do you need to be playing on a certain difficulty setting to get a gold skull in halo 3?

you need to be playing on normal,heroic,legendary to find any skull on halo 3

Where are Halo 3 skulls?

On campaign on halo 3 (difficulty normal or above) by the river on the first level jutting out on a rock theres a skull.

What diffuculty do you have to be on to get a Halo Three Skull?

You can play on any difficulty you just have to find them

How do you update halo PC?

if it is the halo e.c It will say halo live update. halo update has a picture of legendary. like the one where you choose the difficulty on halo. two swords and a skull

In halo 3 do get the storm skull does it need to be on legendary?

no but it has to be on normal or harder for the skull to pop up

Can you revert to last save on halo 3 and still get the skull?

No you cannot, you must start from the beginning of the level. It also must be on normal, heroic, or legendary difficulty, or the skull will not show up. Even if the skull may be at the end of the level, you must still start at the beginning If you are trying to complete the game on legendary, and you have passed the spot, I recommend beating it first, and then replaying it on normal difficulty. Good Luck.

What difficulty do you have to be at to get a skull in Halo 2?

Every Skull, except the Blind and Assassins Skulls, are only available on Legendary difficulty.source:

Why can't I get the IWHBYD skull in halo 3 even though i am jumping through the rings in order and killing all the enemies?

You're probably jumping through the rings in the correct order, but if you are touching the rings the skull will not appear. It also has to be on Normal or harder difficulty.

How come the halo 3 birthday grunt skull is not showing up?

This skull is a silver skull. It is strictly for your entertainment and you won't get an achievement for it.

Is halo hard?

It depends on what difficulty you play on, Easy, Normal, Heroic or Legendary

How do you get a fish bowl helmet in halo 3?

You have to complete the campaign on normal difficulty.