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Peach gets saved.

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Q: What happens when you complete Mario 64?
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What happens when you run out of lives on super Mario 64?

You go back to the title screen.

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How Luigi get inside the cages in supermario 64 Ds?

Because it was part of the plot? Why did you ask? It happens in Mario Galaxy though not Mario DS

How do you complete super Mario 64 ds?

You have to defeat Bowser in the 80 star door on the 4th floor

How do you complete cool cool mointain for 8 red coins on super Mario 64 ds?

You dont!

Where Is Waluigi in Super Mario 64 Ds?

In the empty room after you complete one of the seventy-six theories.

Is Mario kart 64 real?

Yes, Mario Kart 64 is for the Nintendo 64

Is it posibal to get walugi in supper Mario 64?

No,it is impossible to get Waluigi in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS.

How do you get power flowers on Mario 64?

There are no power flowers in Super Mario 64. However, I do not if they exist in Super Mario 64 DS.

How do you get to the last bowser without Mario super Mario 64?

To get to the final boss(Bowser) you have to complete every chapter.

How do you complete the level Mario's super wall kick in super Mario 64 ds?

well for this one, you need to unlock Mario or get a Mario hat. then you just go to the part of the level where the wall jumping section is, and do it

How do you get 80 stars on Mario 64 ds?

Complete many stages that are in the castle that are simple for you, then you'll get 80 stars.