Nothing really happens at all. When you get all of the golden tools, you get all of the golden tools. There is no special celebration for this happening.
of coures there is animal crossing ww codes to get codes to get code go on
The catalog is always available to you in Animal Crossing Wild World. You have to at least bought a couple items, though, or you won't have a catalog. Talk to Nook and request to look at your catalog.
you can remove everything except grass, concrete and rocks.
it's a specially featured item in Tom Nooks store. Hope this helped :)
Like most other items in the headwear category, it is displayed at and sold by the Able Sisters at random intervals.
No you cannot transfer items from animal crossig city folk to animal crossing lets go to the city.
Buy them -_-
No You Can't You Have To Do All the Work To Get Your Golden Items. Sorry.
not as far as i no but cheak it out on animal crossing community and down the side there is items and then go on fish
of coures there is animal crossing ww codes to get codes to get code go on
The items stay there until you buy them the items never change
nope never heard of it
Its on the action replay
In a way, yes. To "beat" Animal Crossing, you need to pay off your mortgage, complete the museum, collect all bugs and fish, and complete the catalog. You could also collect all the golden tools.
In Animal Crossing: City Folk, you cannot obtain a lightsaber as it is not a part of the game's items or furniture catalog. Lightsabers are not a feature in the world of Animal Crossing.
Have nookway, then get a friend to come over to your town and buy items.
Around 20