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Like most other items in the headwear category, it is displayed at and sold by the Able Sisters at random intervals.

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Q: How do you get the royal crown on animal crossing wild world?
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What does the royal crown do in animal crossing wild world?

The Royal Crown Does Nothing. It's Just Cool.

When can you buy the Royal Crown in Animal Crossing Wild World?

for me it was April 20 2099

When can you get a Royal Crown in Animal Crossing Wild World?

The Royal Crown appears rarely and randomly in the Able Sisters' shop, and can be bought for 1,200,000 bells.

How much does the royal crown cost on animal crossing wild world?

1,200,000 bells (o_O)

On animal crossing wild world can you get a royal crown with action replay?

the code is 121D8E7E 00001406

When will Sable and Mable put the royal crown out to buy for Animal Crossing Wild World?

The royal crown will come out at a random time, just like any other shirt or accessory. There is no specific date or time that the royal crown will appear.

What is the most expensive thing you can buy or sell on animal crossing wild world?

The Royal Crown 1.2 million bells

What does the royal crown do on animal crossing wild world?

I think you just wear it I haven't got it though but I don't think it does anything!

When does the royal crown come on Animal Crossing Wild World?

The Royal Crown appears in the Able Sister's store on a random day during their business hours. There is no specific time to when the crown appears, so just keep checking their store in the hat section.

How do you get a king crown on animal crossing wild world?

you have to wait until its in mables

What date is the royal crown for sale in animal crossing wild world on ds?

Well For My Game The Date Is September 20th 2009 that answer is wrong because on my game the date for the royal crown to be in able sisters is on May 15th 2009 Ive tried those dates, and I haven't seen the crown in both dates... are there any other dates for the crown/royal crown for me it was April 20 2099

On animal crossing wild world can you get a royal crown?

Yes, you can.You can get it randomly at the Able Sister's shop, but it's very expensive.You better start saving money. ;DHoped this helped!