If you knock out Azelf in Pokemon Diamond, Azelf will be gone forever (unless you have saved before battling Azelf and shut off the game and turn it back on to try again).
When you knock out a roaming Pokemon, it will faint and then start roaming again, but with its health at full.
You cannot re-battle Azelf once beating it if it's in Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl however if you knock it out in Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon Black 2 or Pokémon White 2 then you will be able to re-battle it. As of Pokémon Platinum, there was a new re-spawning feature that was implemented for Legendary Pokémon that will allow you to re-spawn them if you have knocked them out, all you have to do is head to the Pokémon League and beat the Champion.
You cannot regenerate Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Diamond. The regeneration feature for Legendary Pokémon was created as of Pokémon Platinum so it is not available in Diamond so for Legendary Pokémon in Diamond, you will have to get any of the Legendaries that you have knocked out from another game however you can save before challenging the Pokémon so if you knock it out, you can just turn off your DS and turn it back on so it'd be before you challenged the Pokémon.
i am not sure but you have to knock treeis with headbut attack
Yes, you get it back righr after the battle.
When you knock out a roaming Pokemon, it will faint and then start roaming again, but with its health at full.
You cannot re-battle Azelf once beating it if it's in Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl however if you knock it out in Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon Black 2 or Pokémon White 2 then you will be able to re-battle it. As of Pokémon Platinum, there was a new re-spawning feature that was implemented for Legendary Pokémon that will allow you to re-spawn them if you have knocked them out, all you have to do is head to the Pokémon League and beat the Champion.
Knock on wood means you are hoping that it happens.
No, you must catch or knock out Darkrie in order to leave New Moon Island.
Knock on wood means you are hoping that it happens.
Well there 3 different ways. # You can trade or migrate # You can go to eterna forest and knock out/kill 125 wild Pokemon (don't blame me if I'm wrong I got this from a video on youtube) and Ceilibi will appearer as a wild Pokemon # My least favorite...... cheat >:(
i beat the league with infernape,palkia(it knows avalanche, it can knock out garchomp in one shot!) pidgey,(level 55) sealeo, giratina, and heatran. Mallorie's answer: well, any Pokemon about level 60 or 70 should do. Dialga or palkia, the 3 lake Pokemon, Darkrai, and your starter Pokemon.
Then it rips.... nothing, but you might knock the chick up... or he might knock you up
In Pokemon diamond and pearl use the poke radar to find ditto. Keep finding them in a row and knock out or catch each one. Make sure to use a repel. If the chain is interrupted you will have to start over. When a grassy patch blinks twice it is a shiny Pokemon.
You cannot regenerate Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Diamond. The regeneration feature for Legendary Pokémon was created as of Pokémon Platinum so it is not available in Diamond so for Legendary Pokémon in Diamond, you will have to get any of the Legendaries that you have knocked out from another game however you can save before challenging the Pokémon so if you knock it out, you can just turn off your DS and turn it back on so it'd be before you challenged the Pokémon.
The story will progress whether you capture Groudon or knock it out. If you knock it out though, you will have to wait in order to attempt capturing it again.
He roams. You'll knock into him randomly.