Green= wii is on
yellow= wii connect 24 is on
red= wii system is off and wii connect 24 is off
hold power button on wii remote and the wii goes in to stanby not off
My Wii works fine. If your Wii won't turn on and there's no power light then it's probably not plugged in properly or the power is out. If the power light is green then the Wii is already on. If the power light is red or yellow, try unplugging it and then plugging it back in.
If you mean the green power light, perhaps the yellow/red standby light blew out? If you're referring to the blue light in the disc tray, you can turn this off and on in your Wii settings. >Wii Settings >second page> WiiConnect24 >Slot Illumination Bright, Dim or Off
You can do a normal reset by pressing the power button on either the Wii or any synchronized remote twice. A hard reset (used when a normal reset won't work) is done by unplugging the power cord (from either the Wii or the wall) and plugging it back in, then turning the power on.
When the Wii's power light is yellow, it means that the system is off (in stanby mode) but will receive data over WiiConnect24. The console will receive messages while it is in this mode and will turn the disc tray light on if it receives any.
This means the Wii is on. If its yellow this means its on standby, If its red its just on wait mode.
Nothing. It probably means either the power has cut out or it isn't plugged in properly. When the Wii is on standby mode the power light will be red or yellow.
red or yellow
Press the power button on the console, or if you have a Wii Remote connected to the console, the power button on the remote. The power button on the console is located to the top-left of the disk slot, and above the D-Pad on the remote.
The Power button? o.O
That is good. It means that you did "turn off" your Wii. Yellow is more of a suspend or sleep mode. By holding in the power button a bit longer, the Wii will power down. it also means than your wii connect 24 is now off so the red light will always be on unless you put your wii connect 24 back on so here it is YELLOW LIGHT= WII CONNECT 24 IS ON RED LIGHT= WII CONNECT 24 IS OFF GREEN LIGHT = WII IS ON
If the power light is green, the console is already on.If the power light is red or yellow, try using the power button on the console(as opposed to the power button on the remote).If the power light is black, the power might be out, it might be switched off at the mains, or it might not be plugged in properly.
Yes if you open the slot under the power button on the wii you can press a red button, then take the back off your controller and press that red button to make them sync.
Press the reset button beneath the power button. If this doesn't work, hold the power button down until it goes off.
Press the power button located on the front of your wii (above the disk slot).
hold power button on wii remote and the wii goes in to stanby not off
You hold down the power button for 4 seconds, until the light on the power button turns red.