My Wii works fine. If your Wii won't turn on and there's no power light then it's probably not plugged in properly or the power is out. If the power light is green then the Wii is already on. If the power light is red or yellow, try unplugging it and then plugging it back in.
hold power button on wii remote and the wii goes in to stanby not off
Try turning your Wii off and unplugging it, then playing it again. If this doesn't work, try checking Nintendo's support site or check the support forums.
You can do a normal reset by pressing the power button on either the Wii or any synchronized remote twice. A hard reset (used when a normal reset won't work) is done by unplugging the power cord (from either the Wii or the wall) and plugging it back in, then turning the power on.
Yes you can, but you will need to do what is called a "soft-mod" to the wii, how to do it will depend on what version of Wii firmware you have on your wii. Everything before version 4.0 can use the Twilight Hack. If 4.0 has been conquered by the hackers I do not know. Also note that you should use the program WiiBrickBlocker on all out of games you may find otherwise you could end up turning your wii into a brick if it updates your wii with and out-of-region game, or screwing up your soft-mod with an unwanted update. Of course downloading and copying of any games is illegal, with the only exception being for games you currently own and are making a backup copy for.
You will get wii sports with your Nintendo wii you do not get it as an extra game its a practise towards the wii consoles remote and nuchuck etc. however you get a preowned wii you may not get the wii sports with it.
hold power button on wii remote and the wii goes in to stanby not off
try turning them the opposite way than what you were itmight work.
it means how good the turning is
If you are turning it into gamestop then they will pay you under $45. It depends on when you sell it. I recommend selling it on ebay.
Try turning your Wii off and unplugging it, then playing it again. If this doesn't work, try checking Nintendo's support site or check the support forums.
Once your Wii is hooked up to the internet go under Wii options and find WiiConnect24 in your internet options turn it on and it will ask what light do you want your Wii to use Dim or Bright, see when your wii updates using wiiconnect24 the disc part of the wii will start turning blue and flashing this is the wii telling you that the wii is currently receiving some kind of update you can find the update on your message board usually.
You can do a normal reset by pressing the power button on either the Wii or any synchronized remote twice. A hard reset (used when a normal reset won't work) is done by unplugging the power cord (from either the Wii or the wall) and plugging it back in, then turning the power on.
If you have the Wii version, use the classic controller! The Wii zapper or the nunchuck and Wii remote are usually only good for sniping and long ranged shooting, not quick turning and movement. If you don't play on the Wii, try watching experts and learning where strategic points are and where to go for the best tactical advantage at the start of a match.
It may have over heated, got hacked, possibly water damage... I would just send it in.
try turning off your firewall on your main network. it often causes trouble due to blocking connections with the wii
if your Wii goes black wait for a couple seconds to see if it will turn back on. If it doesn't turn back on try turning your T.V. off and then restart it. If it doesn't work then it might be a good time to get a new Wii. This is Smiley:)
well if you have wii which I don't know if you do, But if you do then press and hold the left control pad button on the wii remote and your dogs will go out. If that doesn't answer your question this will. Once you get dogs you can't get rid of them without turning them loose like I said up top.