The battle will end and the Ho-Oh will disappear. However, it will come back after you defeat the elite 4 again.
The Poochyena flees when you are one hit away from KO
Normally, you would battle him. He has a Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, and will give away a Tyrogue upon defeat.
If Moltres,Zapdos or articuno runs away you need to use action replay to get them back
To catch a Pokemon with a rod, you have to use the rod, then wait until a "!" appears above your character's head. Once that happens, press "a" as fast as you can before it gets away. If you land the Pokemon, you get to battle it.
just throw your master ball away
you get some water and throw it at him then you have to battle it
throw the # of master balls as need away walk in the grass and hold L
he runs away and you cant cach it
its the samething in soulsilver the burend tower
it goes away
The real question is how long are you going to be a virgin
first make your pokemon about to leave to the pokewalker. Then hold the pokewalker about thumbs length away and it should transfer
When that happens you've finished the game, nothing to do after.
No, you can only catch a legendary Pokemon once.
Why would you cheat that takes away all the fun of the game.:(