When you kill any legendary Pokemon (Mesprit included), you will not be able to catch it again. It will be gone forever. That iis why it is best to save before you battle a legendary.
to get a lv.1 mesprit you need to intter an cheat code.
hey im not sure if im right your better of asking a genus but i think once you kill a legdernary it cant come back
mesprit is a wandering Pokemon, so after it runs away, it goes somewhere out in sinnoh. if you switch locations at certain places, mesprit will eventually get to where you are. do not fly to a nearby location with mesprit, or it will run away to a different place. hope this helps =D
50 :|
In platinum it would be better not to kill mesprit uxie and azelf, it would be better to catch them.
Sorry. Mesprit ain't comin' back to Sinnoh in a 1000 years.
You get a Pokemon entry in your pokedex.
you get a 25 boost on stats .
Yes Mesprit likes Azelf. She has a crush on him I'm a fan of AzelfxMesprit
Uxie doesn't run away. Mesprit does. So don't worry.
After it flees from Lake Verity, it becomes a Roaming Pokémon. Therefore, it can be anywhere in Sinnoh where there is grass. You can track it by using your Pokétch's map. On a side note, if you accidentally K.O. Mesprit instead of catching it, it is not lost forever, as was the case in previous generations with Legendary Pokémon. All you have to do to make it respawn is defeat the Elite Four again. After that, it will reappear at Lake Verity, where you can make it a Roaming Pokémon once more.
little red pokeball shows up by them and u can use them in battles.
To catch Mesprit you need to surf to the middle of lake Verity. There you will find a cavern in which Mesprit lives. After you talk to it, it flys away! When that happens, Professor Rowan talks to you. After he leaves, get out of the cavern and start chasing Mesprit! To chase Mesprit, use your poketch app Marker Map to find Mesprit's icon(it blinks!). Instead of flying to the nearest city, which makes it run away, walk or bike all the way to its icon and look around in the nearest patch of tall grass. it often runs away, so be careful!
Mesprit roams Sinnoh.
mesprit is a legendary Pokemon and legendaries don't have gender However, In Pokemon Mystery Dungeons, Mesprit is considered a giirl.
use Dark type attacks like "Bite". It's really simple since's it's a Pyschic Pokemon