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Well, you better not have saved the game after articuno fainted because if you did it is gone forever! Other wise simply resart and find your way back again!

**Tip** When you find a legendary save the game right in front of him so if you do kill him you can switch off and back on your game and you will have another go!

and if you did save the game after killing it, if you have Pokemon XD gale of darkness then you can trade Articuno from that. and any of the other legendary birds. +lugia for the pokedex.

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Q: What happens if you fainted Articuno in FireRed?
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Articuno can be found in Seafoam Islands just talk to it and you will battle it.

How do you get Articuno on Pokemon FireRed?

seafoam islands

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u can only get articuno in Pokemon firered, leafgreen and Pokemon Platinum u can't get articuno in emerald

Where is Articono in Pokemon FireRed?

Articuno is in the Seaform Islands

Where is Articuno in Pokemon FireRed?

Inside Seafoam Islands.

Where do you find Articuno in Pokemon FireRed?

seafoam islands

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