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So many things. After you beat the Champion Lance and become the Champion, then the game "ends". The reason for that quotation mark is because the game isn't really ended. You have so many things to see afterwards. See the Elite Four as a skill test, and a whole new world in front of you.

Okay, so load your game. You will be upstairs, at your Home in New Bark Towne. Go downstairs, like the beginning of the game, and your Mom will say that Professor Elm was looking for you. Now head out and go to Professor Elm's Lab, and he'll give you the S.S. Ticket. Fly to Olivine City, and head the S.S. Aqua!

At the dock, Professor Oak will congratulate you, then change your Dex into National! Whoo hoo!

To put things short, you will land in Vermillion City, which is located in Kanto. Now, you have go to the Gym there, and beat Lt. Surge.

Steps of events next :

1. Marsh Badge - Route 6 - Saffron City/Gym.

2. Soul Badge - Routes 16,17,18 - Fuchsia City/Gym.

3. Cascade Badge - Routes 15,14,13,12,11, Lavender Towne , Route 10, Rock Tunnel, Routes 9,10 , Power Plant, Route 9, Cerulean City, Routes 24,25 , Cerulean Gym.

4. Boulder Badge - Routes 5,8, Power Plant, Diglett's Cave, Route 2, Pewter City/Gym.

5. Volcano Badge - Route 3, Mt. Moon, Route 4, Viridian Forest/City, Route 1, Pallet Towne, Route 21, Cinnabar Island, Route 20, Cinnabar Gym.

6. Earth Badge - Seafoam Islands,Viridian Gym.

7. Pokemon Battle with Red/Rival. Routes 22,28 ; Mt. Silver. (Pallet Towne first though.)

Good luck!

PS- A link with a Walkthrough is also enclosed. It is not mine, but written by someone named Marriland.
get the kanto gym badges and fight red

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Q: What happens after you beat the elite four in Pokemon Heartgold?
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level 100 i am shaqib and i beat heartgold, dimond, platinum, black, white, all of them actually .