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it plays puffle maker with you

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Q: What game does a brown puffle play?
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What does the brown puffle play on club penguin?

sorry the brown puffle does not play any games

What game can brown puffle play with you in?

No, it does not help u in any games. i was looking forward to that. :(

What game can the purple puffle play?

A purple puffle can play the game... DANCE CONTEST

Who does a pink puffle play on club penguin?

A pink puffle can play any puffle game. The Aqua Grabber game is its favorite. Go to the iceberg to play Aqua Grabber.

Where is the white puffle?

if you play the mini game puffle roundup play until you see him :)

What game does the blue puffle play?

Nothing it Doesn't play a game

How do you play games with your puffle in club penguin?

You can play catching waves with a red puffle. You can play dance contest with a purple puffle. You can play aqua grabber with a pink puffle. you can play puffle round up..but not with ur puffle exactly

What game can your yellow puffle play with you?


What game can you play with a blue puffle?


What game can you play with a black puffle?

You can play cart surfer.

What game can your green puffle play with you clubpenguin?

Your green puffle can play Jet pack adventure with you on club penguin

What game can your yellow puffle play?

The creators of Club Penguin have created a game you can play with your yellow puffle it is dj3k here are the games the puffles can play 1.Blue Puffle Plays: can not play any games 2. Red Puffle Plays: catching waves ( Located: Cove) (Note: If you play survival your puffle will get scared and leave you!) 3.Pink Puffle Plays: aqua grabber (On The Iceberg you'll see it!! It's on the map!!) 4.Black Puffle Plays: cart surfer (Located: In the mine) 5.Green Puffle Plays: Jet Pack Adventure (Located: AT the BEACH, go inside the lighthouse and the go upstairs.) 6.Yellow Puffle Plays: D J 3 K (Located: in the Night Club) 7.Purple Puffle Plays: dance contest (Located: in the Night Club) 8.White Puffle can not play games 9.Orange Puffle Does not play games 10. Brown Puffle wont play games