The letters can be used to spell the 5 letter words ample, ankle, bathe, blame, blank, bleak, exalt, expat, knelt, latex and leapt. They also spell the words maple, meant, metal, panel, penal, petal, plane, plank, plant, plate, table, taken and thank.
The only five letter word that can be made with those letters is 'ditto'.Other words that can be made with the letters in 'ditto' are:dodotIidittotot
Scarf is a five letter word for muffler.
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.
Ideal is a five letter word. It is a synonym for perfect.
The only five letter word that can be made with those letters is 'ditto'.Other words that can be made with the letters in 'ditto' are:dodotIidittotot
There are no American English words that meet that criteria. (You can make the four-letter word edit.)
A five letter word for bravery is valor.
A five letter word for a game is "match."
Five letter word for tough:RigidStiffSolidDenseStoutTight
A five letter word for "irritate" is "annoy."
Scarf is a five letter word for muffler.
A five letter word that is the opposite of the word "gradual" and contains a second letter of "l" is a popular word game answer. The five letter word being sought is "fleet."
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.