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evee evolves into:

Flareon with Fire stone

Vaporeon with water stone

Jolteon with thunderstone

Espeon with friendship

Leafeon with somthing idk


and Glaceon

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Q: What evolve of eeve?
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How can eeve evolve into leafeon on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't.

Were do you evolve your eeve into a Vaporeon on diamond and Pearl?

You need to evolve Eevee with a water stone

How does eeve evolve in Pokemon indigo?

at leve 30 i think

What Pokemon evolve from firestone?

eeve intoflairionand that fire dog into arkanine

What kind of Pokemon evolves with a thunder stone?

Pickachu and eeve can evolve with the thunder stone

How does eeve evolve into leafion on heart gold?

Since it isn't sinnoh it is impossible to do that (besides trade)

What lvl does eeve evolve into jolteon?

you need the thuderstone and nat dex give eevee thunderstone and vola

What Pokemon evolve with fire stone?

eeve into flaron vulpux into ninetales growlith into arcanie maybe more.......................................

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firestone You can't evolve it by leveling up it only evolves by firestone usage like pansear and eeve ect.

How can eeve to evolve into leafion on platinum?

Go into Etrena Forest from the flowery city above Jublife city then keep walking north the west hen you notice a green stone and level up Eeve there to get leafeon

Where do you evolve your eeve ito Glaceon in Pokemon fire red?

i don't think you can since its a 4th generation Pokemon

What items make eeve evolve in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon blue?

I think its the water fire or lightning stone