You can't evolve it by leveling up it only evolves by firestone usage like pansear and eeve ect.
There is no specific place for a growithe to evolve. you just need to give it a fire stone
In every game, Weepinbell evolves into Victreebel only when a Leaf Stone is used on it; level makes no difference.
Wooper will evolve at Level 20.
Level 30
fire stone
fire stone
Growlithe can Evolve only with use of a fire stone. Fire stones can be won at the bug catching contests.
You use a fire stone at any level you want.
level 14
after you trade it, it will evolve into a machamp
Growlithe can be obtained in Routes 7, 8, 36, 37, and 48 in Heart Gold version. In Gold version it can be obtained in Routes 7, 8, 36, and 37.
Prinplup evolves into Empoleon at level 36!
There is no specific place for a growithe to evolve. you just need to give it a fire stone
If you have a teddiursa get it to level 30 to evolve it into ursaing
I think it depends what version you have. I have silver and gold and there it evelves at level 30.
cant answer look an and PS its heart gold