No because the game lacks the built in game clock feature which lets the game change from day and nighttime which is essential for evee to evolve to Espeon or Umbreon. If you want these pokemon you will need to use Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald to evolve the Evee because these games have the in game clock feature or you can even trade the Espeon and Umbreon from pokemon colosseum.
In ANY GAME!! If you use a moonstone, i think
evee evolves into: Flareon with Fire stone Vaporeon with water stone Jolteon with thunderstone Espeon with friendship Leafeon with somthing idk Unbreon and Glaceon
No, you cannot do so in LeafGreen. While Eevee can normally evolve into Espeon and Umbreon without stones, the lack of a time system in the game prevents Eevee from evolving into one of them.
so far, you cannot evolve eevee either to umbreon or espeon on FireRed because on FireRed and LeafGreen, there is no clock system. You must trade eevee to Emerald for evolving to Espeon or Umbreon
There is no stone needed to evolve (although i think it should evolve with sun stone) .But your friendship with the eevee has to be very good then and only then will it evolve into an espeon
You can't.
- Jolteon- Flareon- Vaporeon- Ubreon- Espeon
espeon evolves from Eevee fromHappiness during the day, or when around a Sun Shard
you cant you must evolve an eeve at night with max friendship.
In ANY GAME!! If you use a moonstone, i think
Enter back door of Celedon Mansion. On top floor Eevee is on a table. I don't think there is a way to evolve it into an Espeon.
evee evolves into: Flareon with Fire stone Vaporeon with water stone Jolteon with thunderstone Espeon with friendship Leafeon with somthing idk Unbreon and Glaceon
No, you cannot do so in LeafGreen. While Eevee can normally evolve into Espeon and Umbreon without stones, the lack of a time system in the game prevents Eevee from evolving into one of them.
so far, you cannot evolve eevee either to umbreon or espeon on FireRed because on FireRed and LeafGreen, there is no clock system. You must trade eevee to Emerald for evolving to Espeon or Umbreon
I think eeve is a trade only Pokemon from leafgreen/firered or from Pokemon colusseum.
Its not possible to get espeon in leafgreen or firered because there is no in game clock so trade evee to a game with a in game clock like ruby and sapphire then train it to become espeon. Optional other ways: If you have Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness you can trade an espeon from either game (in colosseum you begin with espeon and umbreon trade espeon to leafgreen and in xd gale of darkness in gateon port a sailor in the parts shop will allow you to get items to evolve your evee choose the dawn shard then train evee a few levels to have it become espeon then trade it to leafgreen remember both colosseum and xd gale of darkness and leafgreen must have be beaten and for leafgreen you need the national dex and the ruby and sapphire to receive the espeon from either game).
Espeon cannot evolve.