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If you use a moonstone, i think

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Q: Can you evolve eevee into umbreon or Espeon in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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How can you evolve your eevvee into a umbreon on Pokemon FireRed?

so far, you cannot evolve eevee either to umbreon or espeon on FireRed because on FireRed and LeafGreen, there is no clock system. You must trade eevee to Emerald for evolving to Espeon or Umbreon

How do you get a espeon on Pokemon FireRed?

you can't. to get an espeon or umbreon, you need to evolve an eevee at certain time of day. leafgreen/firered don't have clocks. you have to trade the eevee to ruby/sapphire, max out friendship and level up in the pm for espeon, am for umbreon.

How can eeve evolve into Espeon you LeafGreen?

No because the game lacks the built in game clock feature which lets the game change from day and nighttime which is essential for evee to evolve to Espeon or Umbreon. If you want these pokemon you will need to use Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald to evolve the Evee because these games have the in game clock feature or you can even trade the Espeon and Umbreon from pokemon colosseum.

How do you get Espeon Umbreon in Pokemon LeafGreen with no stones?

K.....1-they do not evolve by stones 2-you get an espeon or umbeon buy it evolving during day or night to check that go to your clock at your house if it's anywhere between 9:00-12:00 pm it will evolve into umbreon anywhere from 9:00am-4:00pm it will evolve into espeon

How do you evolve Eevee into Umbreon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You cant the game has no way to keep time. You need to trade it over to ruby. saphire, or emerald witch all have time to evolve it. umbreon evolve's at night. espeon evolves at morning.

How do you get Espeon in Pokemon LeafGreen wiyhout trading?

You can get lucky train a evee so that its happiness is at the max with you it will hopefully evolve to espeon this is random though you may get umbreon so your going to have to get one from a trade.

What Pokemon evolve when they are happy?

Golbat---> Crobat Evee---> Umbreon or Espeon

How do you get Umbreon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

to get umbreon do the same as espeon, keep it at the front of the party give it any item and itll like you to get eevee to evolve to umbreon, with high enough friendship it will evolve.(but only evovle it in the pm hours or your screwed and get an espeon.)I think you have to use a moonstone on it. don't yell at me if I'm wrong i hven't tried it yet.

How do you evolve Eevee into Espeon on Pokemon firered?

You can't. It evolves by the time of day. Since there isn't a clock, eevee won't evolve into espeon OR umbreon.

Can you evolve eevee into an umbreon in Pokemon Yellow?

no it cannot it can only evolve into jolteon, vaporeon, and flareon. it is not until gold, silver, and crystal that you can get umbreon and espeon.

What level will Eevee evolve into umbreon in heart gold?

eevees (on any Pokemon game) evolve into umbreon or espeon with happiness. happiness at night will result in an umbreon just as happiness in the day will be an espeon. to increase happiness, walk around with your Pokemon A LOT. i think its like 256 is 1 point. they evolve at about 250.

Why are umbreon and espeon always together?

The Reasons Esbreon Gets Shipped Is: 1. Espeon and Umbreon Came in the Same Generation. It was Gen II. 2. Espeon is a "Sun" Pokemon and Umbreon is a "Moonlight" Pokemon. 3. They two Evolve from High Friendship of the Pokemon to the trainer (also sylveon evolves the same way). Espeon Umbreon and Sylveon cannot be Found in wild.