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The show never finished anything as far as there futures.

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Q: What ever happen to joey and mai in Yu-Gi-Oh?
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What happens to mai valentine?

I really do not know very well, but I know for one thing that she was almost sent to the Shadow Realm by Marik, but thanks to Joey and yugi, she was saved She qiut playing yugioh and did other things.

Who does joey wheeler love?

Mai Valentine

Is mai in love with joey?

yes their in love

Does mai like joey?

She does,but she also likes Valon.At first, Mai liked Joey as a close friend,after time goes by,she liked him as a crush.She just didn't really have the courage to tell Joey.And I could tell that Joey liked Mai as well but had the same issue about tell her about it. At the end of the series,it doesn't really tell you if Mai and Joey actually became a couple or stayed between good friends. :)

What is the name of the blonde girl from Yu-Gi-Oh?

mai valentine or rebecca Hawkins? mai is the older chick who is essentially paired up with joey and rebecca is the dilussional little girl who thinks that yugi is her boyfriend [I'm right if you're talking about the dub...if you're talking about Japanese...well, my bro made me watch eng dub with him (all of yugioh, yugioh gx and as far as they made yugioh 5ds) I'm bascially an expert and i don't wanna go through the whole series again, yet, so i can't tell you much about Japanese except from clips I've watched)

Does mai valentine end up with joey wheeler?

Anime = yes Manga = no

Does joey wheeler end up with mai valentine in the series and if they do you what episode do they get together?

No they don't.

Where do you duel Mai in Yu-Gi-Oh 7 Trials to glory?

You can duel Mai Valentine after you've beaten 4 times in the weekend tournament. I know because I'm a girl of age 12 and I love Yugioh more than any other anime.

Do Mai and Naru ever kiss in the ghost hunt series?

Mai and Naru do not kiss in the manga, anime, or the light novel.

Does mai valentine ever come back from the shadow realm?


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Elephant Bathing and Elephant Raising Tour, Chiang Mai Have a unique experience with these gentle elephants. Famous animals of Thailand

What does per sempre e mai mean in English?

It is Italian for "for ever and ever"