he evolves into infernape in dp ep 163 so far its called:explosive evolution! goukazaru!
Episode? if you mean level then 36
try putting which episode does monferno evolve you might get your answer
Ash's Chimchar evolves into a Monferno in Pokémon DP Galactic Battles episode 27. It is titled "Evolving Strategies". its ep 601
Ash's monferno evolved into infernape in pokemon season 13(pokemon:dp:sinnoh league victors) episode no:6.
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
Episode? if you mean level then 36
try putting which episode does monferno evolve you might get your answer
Ash's Chimchar evolves into a Monferno in Pokémon DP Galactic Battles episode 27. It is titled "Evolving Strategies". its ep 601
Ash's monferno evolved into infernape in pokemon season 13(pokemon:dp:sinnoh league victors) episode no:6.
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
Ash's dad went on a Pokemon journey and we have not heard about him since you should watch the second episode of Pokemon it tells u in there about how ashs dad went on a Pokemon journy of his own
Ash's Grotle evolved in the episode "Aiding The Enemy!". It evolved during a battle with a trainer's Honchrow.
Ash's monferno will evolve into infernape at lv.32
Ash's Grovyle evolves into Sceptile in the Advanced Geneation series episode number 161 titled 'Odd Pokemon Out!'.
The Memory Remains from the ReLoad album.
yes he will evolve in pokemon p:sinnoh league victors(pokemon season 13)episode 6.That episode's name is fighting ire with fire.