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episode 96 Snack Attack

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Q: What episode does ash catches Snorlax?
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What episode does ash catch mudkip?

ash never catches a mudkip he catches a treeco but Brock catches a mudkip

What is the third episode of Pokemon called?

Ash catches a Pokemon

Does ash catch any rare Pokemon in the show?

All I remember is that he caught a shiny noctowl, if you consider that rare Ash also catches Snorlax

What episode does ash gets corphish?

Ash catches Corphish in "Gone Corphishin'", 23rd episode of the Advanced Generation Series and 297th episode in the anime.

When ash catch a snorunt?

I think Ash catches the "prankster" Pokemon Snorunt on episode 385 which is called Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt.

How did ash get his first pokemon?

Pikachu isn't necessarily his first caught Pokemon, since he was given his starter, not long after the Spearow attack, and after Misty started following Ash, he caught a Caterpie, without weakening it., which was aired on the 3rd Episode, "Ash Catches A Pokemon".

What episode does ash catch tododile?

Ash never Catches a legendary Pokemon no body does unless the regi's are legendary because the battle pyramid guy has all 3 Reggi's (rigrock registeel and regice) he has pikachu,gliscore,staravia

What Pokemon do ash have on heartgold in mt silver?

Pikachu Lapras Snorlax

What episode does Ash get Charizard?

Ash got Charizard in episode 11

How do you complete movie event in Pokemon ash gray?

Ash catches all the pokemon

How do you get past the Snorlax in route 16 in ash gray?

cant get past it either

What is the episode number in which ash's starvia evolve?

The Episode Number in which Ash's Staravia evolves into Staraptor is Episode 586.