dragon ball ep 7
The episode in which Chi Chi and Goku fight is episode 137. It's also the episode in which Chi Chi becomes Goku's fiancee.
They dont. Goku accidentally proposes.
they get married on the last episode of dragon ball when goku has to save chi-chi's father from burning in the flaming castle episode 153
Dragon Ball 134 Preliminary Peril
He doesn't meet her in Dragon Ball Z. You probably mean Dragon Ball, in which he meets her in the episode The Ox King on Fire Mountain.
Ep. 7
The episode in which Chi Chi and Goku fight is episode 137. It's also the episode in which Chi Chi becomes Goku's fiancee.
episode 226 No it is always Chi Chi.
They dont. Goku accidentally proposes.
they get married on the last episode of dragon ball when goku has to save chi-chi's father from burning in the flaming castle episode 153
Dragon Ball 134 Preliminary Peril
He doesn't meet her in Dragon Ball Z. You probably mean Dragon Ball, in which he meets her in the episode The Ox King on Fire Mountain.
He's over 9000!
They have been married. It tells you in the first episode.
They get married in episode 153 The End, The Beginning of Dragonball
It isn't in an episode it's in a movie: Super Android 13
Goku never meets Bardock.