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Q: How old is Goku when he meet chi-chi?
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What episode does goku meet chichi?

in dragonball episode 6 or 7

Goku love chichi?

no because he said that bulma was prettier then chichi in the buu saga.

What episode in dragonball on the computter did goku and chichi fight?

The episode that chichi fights goku is 137. Hope that's good info for you pplz

Did goku or chichi tickle gohan on his feet?

Goku did it first then Chi-Chi

What if Chichi thought Bardock was Goku?

that is not possible. chichi never met bardock because he died soon after goku landed on earth as a baby,if not before

How did chichi have goten if Goku was dead?

that's not the answer. they expect you not to think about that when you watch the series by the way this is off topic but vegeta is not a only child he has a brother named tarble you can find him in the tarble movie worng dude goku get it on with chichi befor he lift chichi was fat in bojack on bunnd she had goten befor goku soon after goku died goku get it on with befor he died

What episode did Goku and chichi kissed?

I don't think ever.

How many kid does chichi and Goku have?

They have Goten and Gohan. 2 kids

What episode does Goku marry chichi?

In the last dragonball episode.

What episode does Goku have a baby that is not ChiChi's?

episode 226 No it is always Chi Chi.

Who is gotens father?

Goku is Goten's father. Goku left ChiChi with the unborn Goten right before his fight with Cell, so Goku never got to see him.

Did chi chi have a baby named goku jr?

No but ChiChi did have Goten who looked exactly like Goku during the Great Saiyaman Saga-Kid Buu Saga. However, there was a Goku Jr on the final DBGT movie who was Pan's (Gohan and Videl's daughter) grandson. We don't know who his mom or dad are but we do know that he looks exactly like Goku and is the great-great-grandson of the original Goku. But, no, ChiChi never had a Goku Jr.