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evolves porygon into porygon2

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Q: What does the up-grade do in soul silver?
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Where do you get the Pokémon flute on Pokémon soul silver?

You have to get the expn card to upgrade it

How do you upgrade the new radio channels in soul silver?

you have to solve the problem with the generator and get it from the team rocket member who is probably Russian

How do you get the radio upgrade in Pokemon Soul silver?

after restoring the power from the power plant, go to the radio tower in kanto and talk to the guy in the suit, he will give you an upgrade for the radio app, then talk to the guy on the bottom right in the room and he will upgrade you radio

In what floor do you get the radio upgraded in your pokegear in soul silver?

Go to lavender town and talk to the man inside and he'll test you and if you win you get the upgrade

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GET soul gem and unlock the soul gems upgrade

Where is rock tunnel in soul silver?

in soul silver

Which of these is the real game that's coming out Pure Silver or Silver Soul?

Neither. The new game is called Soul Silver, not Silver Soul.

Where is enthrix city in soul silver?

no such thing not in soul silver

Where do you get the radio upgrade on Pokemon soul silver?

Once you've given the part to the manager at the power plant, go to the kanto radio tower in lavender and talk to the director on the ground floor and he will upgrade your radio.

Can you get Articuno in silver?

As in soul silver? Yes you can is soul silver. At the bottom of seafoam islands.

Should you get Pokemon Soul Silver?

Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT

How do you evolve Porygon2 into Porygon z on soul silver?

let a porygon 2 hold a Dubious Disk, the same way you gave porygon 1 a upgrade to evolve it, and then trade it