let a porygon 2 hold a Dubious Disk, the same way you gave porygon 1 a upgrade to evolve it, and then trade it
train it
evolves porygon into porygon2
If you give it to a porygon an trade it to get a polygon 2
Dunsparce does not evolve.
You can't evolve magneton in soul silver. You can only evolve it by trading it back to Diamond or Pearl and training it at Mt. Coronet.
train it
evolves porygon into porygon2
porygon2. give it to him trade and it will evolve.
as a prize
give it an upgrade and trade there is only one in the game so if you beat the game and want porygon2 without hack or trade you have to start over if you get one don't sell it and how 2 evolve porygon 2 get a dubious disc and trade it back to soulsilver Edit* You CAN get multiple porygons as well if you play the voltorb flip game and save up 9999 coins. its hard but there are a few proggys out there that can solve the levels for you...
in veilstone city in one of the houses in front of galactic HQ if you have a space in your team a man will give you a porygon find a up grade and let it hold the up grade then trade porygon and it will evolve during trade
the only way is to get porygon in soul silver is GTS or the arcade game, and get 9,999 points
You have to win it at the Celadon Game Corner
Action Replay, Trading, Migrating. Sorry.
If you give it to a porygon an trade it to get a polygon 2
no hitmonlee does not evolve
Dunsparce does not evolve.