You can't evolve magneton in soul silver. You can only evolve it by trading it back to Diamond or Pearl and training it at Mt. Coronet.
you get a moonstone
Riolu evolve by happiness during the day.
Get a Leaf Stone and you'll evolve it.
Dunsparce doesn't have an evolution.So far dunsparce doesn't evolve.
No Dunsparce don't evolve.
No, Dunsparce does not evolve.
No, Dunsparce does not evolve
Dunsparce doesn't evolve.
dunsparce doesn't evovle into anything
Dusksnoir can't be evolved but Dusclops can evolve into Dusksnoir by giving him a reaper cloth, whitch can be found east of the northern entrance on Route 229. You need cut to get to it.
no hitmonlee does not evolve
Dunsparce doesn't evolve! I wish that it did, though.
You can't evolve magneton in soul silver. You can only evolve it by trading it back to Diamond or Pearl and training it at Mt. Coronet.