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Makes you invulnerable to hurting yourself, and when you dolphin dive from a certain height, (eg. top of a staircase or a cliff, etc.) it explodes when you hit the ground.

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Q: What does the PhD perk do in call of duty zombies?
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What are the names of the perks in the new zombies map in call of duty black ops?

PHD Flopper and Stamin-up

What are all the types of perks you can get in call of duty zombies?

it depend sif your playing black ops zombies or world at war zombies black op zombies has stamin up double tap and PhD flopper regular world at war zombies has speed cola jugger nog and quick revive

What is the flopper on Call of Duty Black Ops?

The PhD flopper is a power up on Ascension and Call of the Dead that makes you take no fall damage and if you run jump and crouch it makes an explosion that kills zombies

How do you explode dolphing dive on Call of Duty Black Ops?

theres a perk called PhD flopper its purple only on ascension and call of the dead ascension its near the lander by the grenades and mp5k on cotd its i guess u would say beside the lighthouse

What perk is better in Nazi zombies?

i say Juggernog is better than Double tap and Quick Revive. Speed cola is 2nd place. Stamin-up is better than Phd-flopper.

What does the deadshot dequiri perk do in call of duty black ops zombies?

There is no headshot perk, but there is an insta-kill power-up that you can get once in a while. There are 6 Power-ups Nuke, Fire-Sale, Carpenter, Max Ammo, Death Machine, and Insta-kill. There are also 6 perks PHD Flopper (Ascension), Stamin up (Ascension), Juggernog (all maps), Speed Cola (all maps), Quick Revive (all maps), and Double Tap (Kino Der Toten). You can lose your perks by going down or by letting the monkeys steal them from the perk boxes (Ascension) so then you will have to buy them again.

How big is the perk a cola machine for PhD flopper?

Size of a potato

How do you pown in acension zombies black ops?

Run the zombies in a circle around the lander near PhD Flopper, and use PhD when possible to conserve ammo.

What is PhD floper in black ops zombies?

A Perk a Cola it means if you dolphin dive your body explodes (you dont get harmed) but zombies die around you :) if anyone wants to talk about black ops 1 black ops 2 or world at war i know all the secrets hacks glitches aand everything of them contact me at

Was Ph.D flopper in call of duty world at war?

PhD Flopper made its first appearance in Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Zombie map Ascension, which you can buy on Black Ops from the First Strike Map Pack for 1200 Microsoft Points. Along with PhD Flopper, Stamin-Up made its first appearance in Ascension.

What is the pH flopper for in black ops?

It's a Perk-A-Cola.PhD Flopper is a Perk-a-Cola featured in the game mode Zombies. It was introduced along with Stamin-Up on the map Ascension. It returns in Call of the Dead, Shangri-La and Moon.The perk costs 2000 points to buy and it has a dark blue and purple color scheme. PhD Flopper completely negates self-inflicted damage; however, the player will still groan and suffer temporary movement reduction when falling down from an elevated area. Another feature of this perk is that when players dive to prone from a height from which they normally would take fall damage, a 7.5 meter radius mini-nuke is created on landing.The "nuke" is very powerful, with a maximum of 5000 damage at the center of the blast radius, and can kill zombies with one hit up to approximately round 20. Between rounds 20-30, PhD Flopper will begin to make crawlers, and on rounds beyond 30, zombies will retain their legs even in the center of the blast. The perk is made from prunes and some types of chemicals. A good strategy for using PhD Flopper to its best effect on Ascension is to just buy it early on and then keep diving to prone near where the perk machine is found. By doing this it is possible to get to round 20 with minimal use of ammunition. However, as this is an explosive "weapon", it should be noted that the player only receives 50 points from each kill, when opposed to the 60 points that are acquired by using a bullet firing weapon, so using a gun would be advised if the player is going to buy something, such as other perks. This perk though doesn't seem to work when diving right on top of multiple zombies. It should also be noted when "Flopping" that landing on a prone player while diving to prone will cause both players to be downed instantly, so one should avoid other teammates while diving.

What do you call a PhD student?

A PhD student is typically referred to as a doctoral candidate.