

Best Answer

1. You buy PHD flopper for 2000.

2. Jump off a high platform and it wont hurt you

a bit and will cause a massive explosion.

3. PHD flopper reduces the chance of you

dieing when you jump off of a high platform.

Thanks P.S


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Q: What does Flopper Ph.D do in zombies?
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Run the zombies in a circle around the lander near PhD Flopper, and use PhD when possible to conserve ammo.

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PHD Flopper and Stamin-up

What is the flopper on Call of Duty Black Ops?

The PhD flopper is a power up on Ascension and Call of the Dead that makes you take no fall damage and if you run jump and crouch it makes an explosion that kills zombies

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juggernog, speed cola, quick revive, mule kick, double tap rootbeer, stamin up, phd flopper, deadshot,

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it depend sif your playing black ops zombies or world at war zombies black op zombies has stamin up double tap and PhD flopper regular world at war zombies has speed cola jugger nog and quick revive

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i say Juggernog is better than Double tap and Quick Revive. Speed cola is 2nd place. Stamin-up is better than Phd-flopper.

How big is the perk a cola machine for PhD flopper?

Size of a potato

Is PhD flopper real?

yes, i have a 6 pack at my condo in florida

Was Ph.D flopper in call of duty world at war?

PhD Flopper made its first appearance in Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Zombie map Ascension, which you can buy on Black Ops from the First Strike Map Pack for 1200 Microsoft Points. Along with PhD Flopper, Stamin-Up made its first appearance in Ascension.

Can you get Ph.D flopper on die rise in call of duty black ops 2?

No, all the trolls out there will say it is possible. It is NOT possible to get PHD flopper on Die Rise. Source: Common Sense

Where original zombies players in the call of the dead?

They are located on the floor beneath the PHD Flopper room in the lighthouse.There will be a steel door and when you knife it, they will talk to you. They will ask for your help and you'll have to do an Easter egg. After you complete the Easter egg, you will get two achievements and the Wunderwaffle DG-2 lightning gun.

What are the new perks in ascension black ops?

PHD Flopper- 2000 pts.- you take no explosive damage, or falling damage, and when you dive to prone from a height( like from stairs) you let out an explosion which kills zombies. Stammin' Up- 2000 pts.- makes you run faster and longer (like having lightweight and marathon in one perk).