it lowens the foes evassenness, and outside of battle, stand in the grass and use it
and it will lure wild Pokemon straight to you.
i dont know because im stuck to
In Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen, Bellsprout will learn Sweet Scent at level 30 if you do not evolve it. In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, it'll learn Sweet Scent at level 29.
TROPIUS should until you delete SWEET SCENT or roselia's SWEET SCENT TOO.
all you have to do is find TM 12 that contanis sweet scent
You could use a combee that has sweet scent.
You can use the move sweet scent.
i dont know because im stuck to
In Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen, Bellsprout will learn Sweet Scent at level 30 if you do not evolve it. In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, it'll learn Sweet Scent at level 29.
TROPIUS should until you delete SWEET SCENT or roselia's SWEET SCENT TOO.
Outside of battle, you need a Pokemon that knows Sweet Scent in your party. Go to the menu, select "Pokemon", select the Pokemon that knows Sweet Scent and it should come up with a menu giving the options "Sweet Scent, Summary, Switch, Item, Cancel". Select Sweet Scent. A wild Pokemon will now appear.
all you have to do is find TM 12 that contanis sweet scent
Surskit, Masquerain, Mawile, Tropius, Illumise, and Roselia all learn Sweet Scent.
Ivysaur will learn sweet scent at level 29 in Pokemon fire red and left green.
You can't find sweet scent as a TM anymore. You have to get a pokemon like odish.