Steady Aim Pro increases hip fire accuracy + longer hold breath duration
quick aim after sprinting
The Lightweight pro perk allows you to sprint faster. The lightweight pro perk allows you to aim faster after sprinting.
Perk 1: Marathon Pro Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro Perk 3: Commando, Snipers - Steady Aim Pro.
No. -.-
Slight of Hand Pro: So you can aim down fast and shoot Stoping Power Pro: So you do extra damage Sit Rep Pro: So you know where the enemies are and hear them coming louder
You have too have bling pro and have fmj and akimbo models and then have stopping power also steady aim. :)
quick aim after sprinting
The intervention is a great gun but with scavenger it's useless it should have slight of hand pro stoPping power steady aim or ninja
use akimbo weapons like the 1887s or the p90s
Steady Aim Pro, allows you to ads faster, and lets you hold your breath for a longer period of time.
The Lightweight pro perk allows you to sprint faster. The lightweight pro perk allows you to aim faster after sprinting.
Edit classes, put steady aim pro, change the steady aim pro settings tho the highest accuracy or the smallest rericle
Use Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro and Steady Aim Pro. When you are doing close range sniping (if you are a moving sniper) then as soon as you scope and you see the person inside the scope, then shoot straight away. 9 times out of 10 it works!!!
no i don't think so
well since the game has not even came out yet how would someone know that
u have to practice at it . start out with regular sensitivity then go up and up and up and start getting good at it.........put slight of hand pro on and stopping power and steady aim and fmj for intervention its good
In MW2, Lightweight Pro gives you faster Aim Down Sight(ADS) after sprinting In Black Ops, Lightweight Pro gives you no falling damage. Basically Commando Pro is fused with Lightweight.