The Lightweight pro perk allows you to sprint faster. The lightweight pro perk allows you to aim faster after sprinting.
quick aim after sprinting
i no a couple there is cold-blooded pro scavange pro marothon pro and a couple others
Foot steps are silent
It makes enemy footsteps louder
Sleight of Hand Pro
quick aim after sprinting
In MW2, Lightweight Pro gives you faster Aim Down Sight(ADS) after sprinting In Black Ops, Lightweight Pro gives you no falling damage. Basically Commando Pro is fused with Lightweight.
Sprint 26 Miles using Marathon. It's misleading on the description because it says 'run' not 'sprint' like it says for the Lightweight Pro description.
When you finish the challenge "Lightweight Pro IV" under the "Perks" section, the perk Lightweight upgrades to Lightweight Pro. Lightweight Pro allows the player to raise their weapon more quickly after they stop sprinting.
Stopping power, hardline, cold blooded and lightweight
Lightweight Pro increases aiming speed after you sprint. you can achive lightweight pro by sprinting 30 miles with it on.
i no a couple there is cold-blooded pro scavange pro marothon pro and a couple others
quicker aiming after sprinting
Foot steps are silent
domination and lightweight
Hardline pro will make your death streak cost one less death
Hmm... I mostly use stopping power pro because I believe that it helps alot. But I do have one or two classes that has on lightweight pro. Lightweight pro is also good because you can aim in faster right after sprinting. Id say use stopping power pro unless you are using a tactical knife. That's just my opinion