WolfQuest is absolutely free. You can download it at the WolfQuest website.
Yes!! there is WolfQuest. It is a game where on single player, you defeat packs, and you find a mate. Then travel to Slough Creek and find a den, and have pups! On multiplayer you chat with other people, and roleplay, (rp), and make a pack!
You can not download previous versions of WolfQuest. But, you can download the latest, WolfQuest 2.5! It can be found on WolfQuest's website(wolfquest.org)
If you mean your username- you are not able to change your username as of March 1st, 2010.
To join WolfQuest, you have to make an account, fax your information and then mail it to the poeple who make wolfquest.
wolfquest and feralheart.
I have looked and uforiunitly i don't think so, it's sad. :(
It most likely means you need to provide a roleplay sample.
there is one thats coming out called wolfventure it'll be out soon. You can aslo use feral heart you'll just have to roleplay that
If you mean online Forum Roleplay, then try and: Keep in character, write in the same tense, and stick to the story line.
You cannot technically receive a mate, but people "get" mates through roleplay. Mates are not allowed on WolfQuest: Multiplayer, and it is best to stay away from related chats. If you see any mate-related/gender-specific chats, please send in an abuse report. You can fill out the abuse forum here: http://www.wolfquest.org/abuse/index.php You cant have A "REAL" Mate in Wolfquest, but you could rp pups, in the Information about Wolfquest, it Clearly says You could be a mother wolf, and such as Like Alpha Male and Alpha Fmale, that does not techinally mean your mates!!
You can advertise your roleplay forum in a variety of places including other roleplay forums.
There are roleplay games and Warriors Hunting Games which you can get to by searching warrior cats roleplay in google for the roleplay games. That is pretty much all that is out there, sorry.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay happened in 1986.
My youtube channel is Wolf The Outlw
If you mean saved games you can delete them from the WolfQuest 2 folder. The location of this folder depends on what operating system you use.Where to find your saved games:Windows: [Your Username]/My Documents/WolfQuest 2Macintosh: [Your Username]/WolfQuest 2