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If you get the Xbox 360 two red lights malfunction, you shouldn't worry. The Xbox 360 two red lights malfunction just indicates that the system is overheated. Make sure the air vents are clear and put the unit in an open area to let it cool down.

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13y ago

One light is not so bad you can fix it by cleaning out the dust from your xbox and then clean all the plug ins for it

If it doesnt come on it might have red light of death

what happend was you xbox overheated and it melted the CPU chip on your board, well didnt melt the chip but the solder around it there for it made soldering bridge connecting by melting 2 different component slots of solder into 1 so you will have to take it apart and resolder it. Or you can send it to Microsoft and they can fix it for ya for some $$$ out of your pocket but mostly they just give you new one and you loose all you data and saves so i did mine my self.

You tube has guy named gilski he shows how to fix ps3 and xbox red and yellow lights of death

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Xbox 360 E74 error means that there's a video problem and one red light will be showing on Q4 or P4 or Player 4

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it depends which light it is. top right? bottom left? it matters. usually, just a loose lead in the back of the xbox - check that the power and video cables are in nice and snug

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that means you got two of the four parts of the red ring of death

What does 1 red light on the xbox 360 mean?

No you are in luck if its 1 light all you have to do is clean out the dust from the xbox then unplug all you have connected to the xbox, then take out harddrive and put everything back together 80% Of the time it fixes it if not you can then turn to support at you dont have to send it to them its just mother board is acting up and you need to discharge it by unplugging everything and taking out harddrive.

When the red light on an xbox turns red does it stay red?

If you mean that all the lights turn red, this is an AV cable fault (i.e, buy a new one, or plug it back in), if there are three, then this is a general hardware failure, also known as "the red ring of death", and you should send this back to microsoft ASAP, two means that the xbox is/has overheating/overheated, and the one light is a hardware failure, but an error code will show on screen, contrary to the three red lights, where there is nothing you can do about it, you can quote the code and tell microsoft.

What do you do when you see a red light instead of a green light when you turn on your xbox?

Bring it to gamestop and get it fixed. It has red ring of death!

What does a red light mean on the Xbox 360?

A single red light or "Red Ring of Death" means that your console is not securely plugged into it's power supply (The gray rectangle box) or an electric outlet. If you have an E74 Error Code then your Xbox 360 console needs service, if your console still has a warranty on it you can get it repaired for free on

What does a blinking red light on the xbox 360 mean?

It means theres an error when it happens just reset (turn xbox 360 of and on again) or if it still does it there mite be something wrong with wires etc.... =)

What does 4 red rings mean on your xbox?

it means your xbox is dead or it is not fully pluged in

Do the new Xbox's 360 get the red light of death?

you can get the red ring on any type of xbox 360. do not leave it on all night or u will find out the hard way.

When you plug your xbox power supply into the wall the orange light comes on as usual but as soon as you plug the power supply into your Xbox the light turns red and the Xbox wont turn on?

While the Xbox is turned off, plug the power supply into the xbox first. Then plug it into the wall and it should be orange. Turn on the xbox and then the light will change to green.