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It could change Stat levels (higher)

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Q: What does nature mean in Pokemon?
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What does it mean if your Pokemon has a lax nature?

If the Pokemon has a lax nature it is relaxed all the time

Pokemon pearl what Pokemon have native nature?

i think you mean nieve but my eevee had a nieve nature

What does each nature of Pokemon in firered mean?

Pokemon natures represent the growth of that Pokemon and what stats are increased and what stats are reduced.

What does it mean if a Pokemon has a bold nature?

pokemon with bold nature has increased defence stat and decreased attack stat... try to google full list of all natures...

What is the best Pokemon nature in Pokemon Diamond?

The best nature is the Beneficial Nature. It's really hard to get. None of my Pokemon have the Beneficial Nature.

How do you you be a relaxed type in Pokemon?

There is no relaxed type but if you mean relaxed naturethen that attribute is random. You can't change a Pokemon's nature. Every Pokemon can be a variety of natures.

What Pokemon have serious nature?

any Pokemon can have serious nature, just catch more Pokemon

Which Pokemon have a quirky nature in Pokemon diamond?

All of them and none of them. Every pokemon's nature is differant.

What nature is machop in Pokemon explorers blue?

Well if u mean element its fighting type

Where can you find naive natured Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

A pokemon's nature is random. You have to keep catching pokemon to get the desired nature.

How do you find out if your Pokemon has which nature in Pokemon platinum?

Nature will be displayed in the Pokemon Stats, you cannot find out before you catch it.

Where can you find a nature guide for Pokemon Diamond?

Just search "pokemon nature guide"...