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All of them and none of them. Every pokemon's nature is differant.

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Q: Which Pokemon have a quirky nature in Pokemon diamond?
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What Pokemon are quirky?

Quirky is a nature, all of the Pokemon can have it or not have it.

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your nature has to be quirky you get meowth you have access to all the partners.

Which Pokemon has Quikiry nature Pokemon Platinum?

Any Pokemon can have a Quirky nature. If you're looking for a specific one, I would suggest breeding it or catching a lot of them until you get one.

Where do you get pokeapp 18 on Pokemon Diamond?

1st - Pick up a Pokemon with quirky nature 2nd - Go to sunyshore city 3rd - Go to the house you need to use rock climb 4th - Talk to the one that is in the house 5th - Now you have the pokeapp!!!

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The best nature is the Beneficial Nature. It's really hard to get. None of my Pokemon have the Beneficial Nature.

Where can you find a nature guide for Pokemon Diamond?

Just search "pokemon nature guide"...

Where is the guys house that asks you for a Pokemon with quirky serious and naive nature Pokemon?

He's in sunnyshore city He's in sunnyshore city

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Treecko has, at least for females, a quirky nature. Try to make your answers sound quirky or offbeat.

Where can you find naive natured Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

A pokemon's nature is random. You have to keep catching pokemon to get the desired nature.

Where is naive nature Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

based on luck, while catching Pokemon check each time for that nature

How do you make Pokemon with quirky nature obey you?

im sorry but you cant they think they are smart enough to become strong

Which Pokémon has serious nature in Pokémon diamond?

no one Pokemon has a certain nature, you just catch Pokemon and they have different natures.