To be Piplup in PMD2, you need to get either an impish nature (male) or a quirky nature (female) as a result when you take the personality test.
Piplup is only found in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Darkness. It is one of the Pokemon that you can become in the beginging. If you don't get Piplup, it can be found in Crevice Cave(floors 1-10.)
On Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness, you take a survey at the beginning of the game. The answers you chose will determine what Pokemon you are most like, and you will be that Pokemon.
You trade one from Platinum, Pearl, Diamond, Ranger or Mystery Dungeon. From
Piplup is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl. you can get him early in the game as your starter Pokemon.
Choose it as your Starter Pokemon.
Piplup is only found in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Darkness. It is one of the Pokemon that you can become in the beginging. If you don't get Piplup, it can be found in Crevice Cave(floors 1-10.)
Choose it when you just started playing the should know thatYou can also get it from lake verity when you have got your national dex. And you should know that horrorknight.Piplup is one of the starter Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond. Simply start a new game and pick it as your starter Pokemon.
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of time\ darkness, a good starter Pokémon is Piplup, however I also find Turtwig Totodile and pikachu good
Piplup will learn peck in Pokemon in level 15 of Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness. Peck is when the foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn or beak.
On Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness, you take a survey at the beginning of the game. The answers you chose will determine what Pokemon you are most like, and you will be that Pokemon.
I would suggest a piplup if you are a girl, but if you are a boy, a shinx.
piplup will learn peck at lvl 15
Piplup is one of the starter Pokemon you get in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time. It's male nature is the impish type and the female nature is the quirky type. If you don't have it as your starter or your partner, you get it at Blizzard Island. I'm not sure how to unlock it, but the best way to figure it out is to watch videos and use online walkthroughs. Hope this helped! :3 BTW, in Blizzard Island, Piplup is found on floors 1F-20F. Blizzard island can be unlocked if you talk to sunflora at treasure town after you graduate.
well you need to have a stubborn nature
Either Piplup, Torchic, or Chickorita.
You trade one from Platinum, Pearl, Diamond, Ranger or Mystery Dungeon. From
Yes, just like darkness and time, you can be Piplup. You have to be a Impish Male or Quirky Female to be one though.