The little tab on the side of the SD card has been moved to the 'locked' position. When that happens, no data can be written to the card, nor can anything be deleted from it.
Whats blank sd card
Unmounting your SD card means removing it from a device so that it cannot be read. You can unmount an SD card from a cell phone, a camera, a tablet, or a computer.
It doesn't need a SD card, but you can put in a SD card if you want to store more pictures and music. If the SD card doesn't hold music, but camera, the SD card will not work on the music.
you can find it in your wii manual. But here are list of cards which can be inserted in wii console- memory card sd card with mini sd card adapter 3.micro sd card with micro sd card adapter
an sd card in anything does the same thing ...... Stores memory
reformat the cardl
Whats blank sd card
An "SD card" is a Secure Digital memory card.
Take the sd card out of your device and load it on a new card reader (check Amazon), then insert it into a PC or Mac machine. If still you are unable to access the files, use a sd card recovery software (see below).
Unmounting your SD card means removing it from a device so that it cannot be read. You can unmount an SD card from a cell phone, a camera, a tablet, or a computer.
it is safe to take out
I assume you mean CARD instead of port; an SD port and an SD slot are essentially the same thing. The answer is that you don't. You can, of course, get an SD card reader that plugs into a USB port.
It means that the SD card is full- it cannot hold any more files - it has insufficient memory.
Get a Micro-SD to SD adapter. It looks like an SD card that has space for the Micro-SD card. Some Micro-SD cards are supplied with the adapters.
It say's it on the box.....of what it can hold
if do you mean the adapter to PC, it's a card with a hole, that you put into the micro sd card, and now you have "SD" card (or "SDHC"), then you can put it into What_is_micro_sd_adapteror PC
This maybe useful to anyone whose "lock" toggle has fallen off. The plastic toggle is there to activate a switch in the device (like in digital camera) not on the card. To get the device to see the card as unlocked, just glue a small piece of plastic to fill the slot in the side of the SD card casing. You will loose the SD card lock feature but at least you will be able to write data to the card again. Also, if you don't feel like glueing just stick a piece of tape on the side that will work too. The below related link "Simple Fix for Memory Card Locked" illustrates the tape fix along with other troubleshooting tips for "memory card locked" or "memory card error" problems.