It doesn't need a SD card, but you can put in a SD card if you want to store more pictures and music. If the SD card doesn't hold music, but camera, the SD card will not work on the music.
The dsi sd card is about a inch long, about a 6th of a inch wide.. the sd card made specially for the dsi (the one I have) is white and says Nintendo dsi on it
Yes, but you will need either a USB dsi cord or an sd card adapter (unless you have a built-in sd card slot). I have never done this but I'm assuming that you can.
The Nintendo DSi cannot save pictures without an SD card. SD card must also be compatible with the Nintendo DSi to be able to save photos.
You can't. If you want to add music, you need an SD card.
Yes you can as long as you have a SD card installed in your DSi. Copy pictures from system to SD card. Install SD in PC card reader and download.
Nope, just a bog-standard SD card.
You first will need to remove the SD card from the DSi. When you connect the SD card to the computer, find where the song is located and remove it from the SD card. There is no way to remove songs from the SD card by using the DSi
You can buy a specific SD card for the DSi at GameStop.
its impossible to put flash player on the DSI.You need to buy a r4 card. put the kernel and roms into the SD card, then play dsi with the r4 card and sd card.
yes.because you need to download itunes music to your sd card.
how to get internet on dsi with out sd card
You need an SD memory card.
you don't need a card to take photos but is optional, without a SD card 300 photos can be taken, with a 1gb SD card i can take 3,000.
The dsi sd card is about a inch long, about a 6th of a inch wide.. the sd card made specially for the dsi (the one I have) is white and says Nintendo dsi on it
That's not how the DSi works - for one, code can't be executed from the SD card anyway. What you need to do is connect the DSi to the DSi store, and download the games there after you buy them.
Yes you just need to save it on the SD card and then go to settings and go to memory, as long as it is compatible with the DSi. For example, if I downloaded Mozilla Firefox to my SD card and opened the SD card in memory on the DSi, it wouldn't say that Firefox is installed because the DSi and Mozilla Firefox aren't compatible.
No , you don't need an SD card for the Internet. it'll work just fine without it.