When a Pokemon is confused, it has a 50% chance of hurting itself in confusion instead of using a move when it moves during a battle.
The Persim berry, if the Persim berry is give to a pokemon and it becomes confused it will instantly snap out of it's confusion hope it helps!
mew is good Pokemon
It is a hold item that doubles the pokemon's attack power, but makes it confused. The item is used up, and dissapears.
Yes, but unless he is also asleep/paralyzed/confused (the last two are incredibly luck based), he will just use roar, making your Pokemon flee.
Dazed, misled, mussed, addled, punchy, or fazed can mean confused.
If you mean to say "How do you get the description of the pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?" then I would say that you have to catch them in order to see their description. If that is not what you mean to say then I am confused and can not help you.
If a Pokemon is afflicted with the Confused status condition, there's a chance that it'll hurt itself from confusion on each turn. Birds or question marks would circle around its head if it has confusion on its turn.
There is no legendary sand Pokemon. you must of got confused with fake Pokemon and real Pokemon
you don't say anything...... give your Pokemon a lava cookie!
The Persim berry, if the Persim berry is give to a pokemon and it becomes confused it will instantly snap out of it's confusion hope it helps!
Well, if you mean those moves that get Pokemon confused after using 'em. I can only remember three of them: Outrage (Dragon type) Petal Dance (Grass type) Trash (normal type
Confused feeling of profound love and admiration.
No, when spinda uses dizzy punch or confuse ray the other Pokemon becomes confused.