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it means that the Pokemon will not obey you until you get a new gym badge because it is too powerful and your not a strong enough trainer to control it (or so the game thinks =])

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Q: What does it mean if a Pokemon doesn't listen in a game?
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If you mean a game that has Pokemon in it but isn't strictly a Pokemon game, there's the Super Smash Brothers games. I believe that's it.

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I don't fully understand the question. If you mean : when you throw the ball and the Pokemon doesn't get caught just keep trying (though some Pokemon are literally impossible to catch with a regular ball). If you mean: when you select ball it is probably a glitch and if it happens more than once restart you game

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there is no reason for a female shiny it doesnt matter cause you have it it doesnt matter waht gender it is. -- I know what you mean but I wanted to breed it.

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it's either you didn't save the game or you have a bugged in the game...

Is Pokemon science?

no... its a game lol. but if you mean like in the game still... no. Pokemon is a species and people like the Professors study them for a living.

In what Pokemon game is faraway place in?

if you mean "what Pokemon game is out in other places", than i guess heart gold and soul silver.

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you have to save at a Pokemon center in your gba game and then trade over Pokemon.

Where is region located?

if you mean in pokemon then whatever pokemon game was your first that games reigon is your reigon like my first game was pokemon white so im from Unova