Why do you want to get rid of pokemon in a pokemon game? That sounds useless...
If you mean you caught too much pokemon you go to "PC" (in any pokecenter) and choose release pokemon.
A person can get rid of Pokemon on Fire Red by visiting the Pokemon Center. The pokemon can then be conveniently moved from Ash's backpack and into the PC box.
get a gamboy action replay and find the cheat on the computer
How to get rid of the 4 red rings
Blue Flute- Awakens Pokemon Red Flute- Gets rid of infatuation Yellow Flute- Clears confusion Black Flute- Repels wild Pokemon White Flute- Attracts wild Pokemon And that's it.
you cant
A person can get rid of Pokemon on Fire Red by visiting the Pokemon Center. The pokemon can then be conveniently moved from Ash's backpack and into the PC box.
Four ways: Use a red flute, Use a mental herb, switch out the pokemon, defeat the pokemon.
As far as I know they got rid of it because it was a glitch. Sorry
get a gamboy action replay and find the cheat on the computer
The easiest way to for a Pokemon to forget a HM is in Fuishca City. To the left of the Pokemon center are two houses, and in one of those houses, there is a Pokemon Move Deleter. Talk to him, and you can delete ANY move.
Go to the move deleter's house in fuschia city.
Yes if you get rid of 5 riolu you get a lucario ticket.
How to get rid of the 4 red rings
Blue Flute- Awakens Pokemon Red Flute- Gets rid of infatuation Yellow Flute- Clears confusion Black Flute- Repels wild Pokemon White Flute- Attracts wild Pokemon And that's it.
Oh I know..................... Oh no wait I don't lol
U cant get rid of HM moves in any pokemon game
you cant