It usually doesn't have to do with you, it may be a part in your alliance, if you are not the leader, then don't worry about it.
Evony was originally called Civony and was released just over a month ago.
Nothing, it just a random world which the evony staff thought it was good
Over 2 years ago
Just over 2 years
yes u can download desktop evony
Evony was originally called Civony and was released just over a month ago.
Nothing, it just a random world which the evony staff thought it was good
Where you talk to everyone on your server.
click on your characters face on the top right hand corner in the game
Over 2 years ago
Just over 2 years
Evony happened in 2009.
it means pull over to the right hand side of the road.
Evony age II is now out.
what does it mean to have a beauty spot on your hand
yes u can download desktop evony