Groudon is a legendary Pokemon and so far none of the legendary Pokemon can evolve. (That would be cool if it could but it can't)
No, Groudon is a Ground-type Pokemon, but its Mega Evolve form is a Ground/Fire-type.
There is no Groudon in Pokémon Crystal.
Actually you will not be able to find a Groudon in pokemon black or white. It's because you will not be able to find a Groudon in the wild. The only way you can get Groudon in pokemon black and white you will have to trade with someone who has a Groudon or you can use Global trade.
Groudon is unavailable in heartgold. You can only catch Kyogre. If you want groudon, you will have to trade from heartgold, or migrate from another game.
Wailord is the largest Pokemon followed by groudon.
No, Groudon does not evolve in Pokémon Ruby.
Groudon does not evolve, therefore no stone will make Groudon evolve.
Sweetheat, Groudon does not evolve o: --Taylor
...sigh. groudon is a legendary, it does NOT evolve
Groudon is a legendary, and therefore does not evolve.
Groudon doesn't evolve... Sorry
No, whatever myth you heard of Groudon evolving is false. Groudon does not evolve at any time.
groudon doesnt evolve!
They primal evolve when sent out in battle holding either a blue orb for kyogre or red orb for groudon
it doesn't its a legendary Pokemon
I'm guessing you mean Groudon. No, he does not evolve.