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Grotle evolves into a Torterra at level 32.

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Q: What does grotle evolve into on Pokemon?
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How do you evolve grotle in Pokemon?


What level does grotle evolve at in Pokemon platinum?

To evolve your grotle into torterra, just level it up to Lv. 32. Get that?

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Where can you find Grotle in Pokemon Platinum?

You cannot find a Grotle in Pokemon Platinum. You must start out with a Turtwig and then evolve it or get a Grotle via trading.

What level does grotle evolve into toterra on Pokemon pearl?

Grotle evolves at level 32

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What level does grotle evolve in Pokemon platinum?


When does a grotle evolve into a torterra?

He evolves at level 32 in Pokemon platinum

How do you evolve Pokemon because i really want to evolve all my Pokemon into their final transformation p.s i have monferno and prinplup i also finally have a grotle?

grotle,monferno and prinplup evole at around lvl36.

What level does turtwig evolve on Pokemon indigo?

Turtwig evolves into Grotle at level 18, then Grotle evolves into Torterra at level 32.

What level does turtwig evolve Pokemon pearl?

Turtwig evolves at level 18 into Grotle. Then Grotle evolves at level 32 into Torterra.