A shiny Absol doesn't look as drastically different from it's normal color compared to some Pokemon. However the dark blue parts of it's body are dark red in it's shiny form.
you eather get a male and a female absol to make a egg with a shiny absol in it or you find one in the mountain with the team galactic guys everywhere. oh and by the way if you have a shiny absol and you want a shiny gyrados {evolvsion of magikarp } i have one! it was hard to get in the wild.
eather use a cheat code or get lucky every time you encounter a Pokemon you have a 1/8192 chance of that Pokemon to be shiny. absol can be found on route 120 but is very rare and hard to catch bring atleast 10 ultraballs if you want to catch it.you have to be very lucky to get a shiny one
Depends on the female. Just because they look alike, or same type, doesn't mean the species blend when an egg is formed. If umbreon is female, you get a baby eevee, and if absol is, it is a baby absol.
You need to go to the place were you catch absols,then you need to get lucky.1 in 3,000 absols will be shiny.The only other option is use a GameShark for the Gameboy Advance SP and hope they have a shiny absol cheat.I don't know if they do because I don't have a GameShark.
it is white.
To get a shiny Absol, you either have to use a cheating device or look around where Absol are located. If you use a cheating device, though, it may cause your game to be deleted when you get into the Hall of Fame. I recommend just looking around for a while.
you eather get a male and a female absol to make a egg with a shiny absol in it or you find one in the mountain with the team galactic guys everywhere. oh and by the way if you have a shiny absol and you want a shiny gyrados {evolvsion of magikarp } i have one! it was hard to get in the wild.
Not allowed to be answered. ~Rule 12~
i think so.if its a girl that's shiny im pretty sure it will be shiny im gonna try to breed my shiny absol but its a boy so i think it might not end up as a shinyabsol.but if its a girl that's shiny im pretty sure it will be a shiny {whatever Pokemon your breeding}.By the way,If you breed to Pokemon and there not shiny {which i did} you have a 1 out of i think 18,000% chance the Pokemon will be shiny. {Which my to absols made a shiny absol YAY!}
What do you think... SHINY!!!!
eather use a cheat code or get lucky every time you encounter a Pokemon you have a 1/8192 chance of that Pokemon to be shiny. absol can be found on route 120 but is very rare and hard to catch bring atleast 10 ultraballs if you want to catch it.you have to be very lucky to get a shiny one
The shiny Charamander will be a black color.
They look like shiny balls.
Depends on the female. Just because they look alike, or same type, doesn't mean the species blend when an egg is formed. If umbreon is female, you get a baby eevee, and if absol is, it is a baby absol.
You need to go to the place were you catch absols,then you need to get lucky.1 in 3,000 absols will be shiny.The only other option is use a GameShark for the Gameboy Advance SP and hope they have a shiny absol cheat.I don't know if they do because I don't have a GameShark.
They're shiny(: