You need to go to the place were you catch absols,then you need to get lucky.1 in 3,000 absols will be shiny.The only other option is use a GameShark for the Gameboy Advance SP and hope they have a shiny absol cheat.I don't know if they do because I don't have a GameShark.
you eather get a male and a female absol to make a egg with a shiny absol in it or you find one in the mountain with the team galactic guys everywhere. oh and by the way if you have a shiny absol and you want a shiny gyrados {evolvsion of magikarp } i have one! it was hard to get in the wild.
It is found in the wild on Route 120.
u dont
I'm not sure . You can catch Absol as A wild Pokemon.At night you want to go to the Spear Pillar entrance. Before the cave you go onto to go to the Pillar will be grass. Walk in that at night.
Your Mom! Catch shiny Pokemon like a non noob by chaining!
you eather get a male and a female absol to make a egg with a shiny absol in it or you find one in the mountain with the team galactic guys everywhere. oh and by the way if you have a shiny absol and you want a shiny gyrados {evolvsion of magikarp } i have one! it was hard to get in the wild.
It is found in the wild on Route 120.
You can hack it........... has some great shiny, wild Pokemon editing, level codes.
u dont
In Pokémon Emerald, Absol can be found in the Safari Zone Extension, which is located in the northeastern area of Route 120. Absol has a 4% chance of appearing in the tall grass in this area, so you will need patience and persistence to encounter it. It is recommended to use Repels to avoid encountering other Pokémon while searching for Absol. Additionally, having a Pokémon with the ability Illuminate in your party can increase the chances of encountering wild Pokémon, including Absol.
Yes you can. I caught a shiny Zebtrika (no cheats) on Route 7 in a wild encounter.
Constantly find wobuffet in the wild until it changes color now its shiny catch it!
well you can't catch in the wild but you can trade actually
I'm not sure . You can catch Absol as A wild Pokemon.At night you want to go to the Spear Pillar entrance. Before the cave you go onto to go to the Pillar will be grass. Walk in that at night.
Just go anywhere that wild Pokemon can appear. You've got a 1/8192 chance of finding a shiny, though.
Your Mom! Catch shiny Pokemon like a non noob by chaining!
in the wild