you eather get a male and a female absol to make a egg with a shiny absol in it or you find one in the mountain with the team galactic guys everywhere. oh and by the way if you have a shiny absol and you want a shiny gyrados {evolvsion of magikarp } i have one! it was hard to get in the wild.
Absol is the Pokemon before Giratina. Absol's number in the pokedex is 209 and Giratina's number is 210. This is the one in the Pokemon platinum POKEDEX.
absol is located in the grass or inside the caves on the third floor of the mountain.
You can find wild Absol on the Mt. Coronet summit. It has a 5% encounter rate.
...shiny Pokemon are always shiny... ._.
Absol is number 209.
it is absol
The pokemon Absol appears at the top of Mt. Coronet.
you can get absol but only by snow point city
Absol is the Pokemon before Giratina. Absol's number in the pokedex is 209 and Giratina's number is 210. This is the one in the Pokemon platinum POKEDEX.
in mt coronet
Umm... you don't need one its a swarm Pokemon in Pokemon dp but in Pokemon platinum its on mount coronets snowy area I caught a shiny one so I should Know
You can find Absol at level 38-40 at the summit of Mt. Coronet.
absol is located in the grass or inside the caves on the third floor of the mountain.
You can find wild Absol on the Mt. Coronet summit. It has a 5% encounter rate.
ABSOL is number 209
Go to Mt.Coronet and you can find it in the snow
...shiny Pokemon are always shiny... ._.