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Q: What does WFC mean in Pokemon diamond?
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What do you do after you finished Pokemon Diamond?

Trade Pokemon at the WFC building in jubilife. Win all the Pokemon contests.

How do you get raqauyaza in Pokemon Diamond?

you can't catch a rayqauayza in diamond but you can take it from a trade,wfc and ruby,saphire and emerald

How do you create your own Friend code in Pokemon Diamond wi-fi?

you have to enter Nintendo WFC

How do you use Nintendo WFC for mystery gift in Pokemon diamond?

use Pokemon for a cool battle smack your self in the face! wtf thts no answer? im not sure... im having problems even logging in to wfc

How do you get an alakazam in Pokemon diamond?

You need to train/evolve Abra/Kadabra or you can get it by trading with a friend or over WFC.

Can someone help you get lugia in Pokemon dp?

You can use a cheat, or Nintendo WFC, but you cant catch it in diamond or pearl.

How do you get a chimcahar in Pokemon Diamond?

Chimchar is on of the starter Pokemon in diamond. As far as I know, you can't catch a chimchar in the game, but if you want one and didn't choose chimchar as a stater Pokemon, you could trade with someone for a chimchar of WFC.

Is there a cloning cheat in Pokemon diamond version?

There is the gts cheat and the AR cheat, but i think the gts cheat can get you kicked off of Nintendo wfc.

How do you get a Jirachi in Pokemon Diamond?

well, until July 16 2010 you can go to mystery gift and receive a jirachi via WFC so act fast

In Pokemon Diamond?

what do you mean

How can you catch Jirachy in Pokemon Diamond?

until July 16 2010 you can receive jirachi by going to mystery gift and receiving via WFC(must have wifi connection)

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl What is the point of the mystery gift?

The "Wireless" option is used for real life Nintendo Events and the "Nintendo WFC" option is for Wi-Fi Nintendo events.