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TDM stands for (T)eam (D)eath (M)atch. Most abbreviation's are just the initials so try and guess the initials.

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Q: What does TDM stand for in black ops?
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How do you improve your score per minute on TDM in Black Ops?

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What does black ops stand for on call of duty?

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Weapons of Mass Destruction

What does WMD stand for black ops?

If you are asking what does WMD stand for it means Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Is there double xps for black ops on 11-22-11?

Probably not since it would have changed the little icon at the bottom left of the multiplayer screen. You could check by playing TDM and if you get +200 and no medals, then it is....

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What does Anthony stand for?

He is very short and loves Call of Duty Black Ops

Do you have to go online to go on turbine muitieplayer?

Yes, an internet connection is required for someone to play the multiplayer version of Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Turbine. There is Team Deathmatch and Multi Team TDM.

Who is tdm king of Kerala?

Harry Tdm is the tdm king of Kerala. Harry is known as the tdm king of Kerala because of his ability and knowledge in tdm.

Does Zomies go toward your playing time in Call of Duty Black Ops?

I sometimes play zombies with my friends or rarely online people im an online guy for Domination-Firing range or Tdm something like that